Treasury Department Suspends Enforcement of Corporate Transparency Act
The Treasury Department has indicated it will suspend enforcement of the CTA concerning U.S. citizens and domestic reporting companies.
ReadAlycia Moss is a member of the firm’s Immigration practice group. Alycia has assisted businesses, individuals, and investors alike navigate the U.S. immigration system since 2012, running a successful solo practice before joining Hawley Troxell in 2023. She has appeared on behalf of her clients before many immigration agencies, including the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR), Board of Immigration Appeals, Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA), Administrative Appeal Office (AAO), and federal courts.
Alycia earned her Juris Doctor from the University of Idaho College of Law in 2005, the same year she was licensed to practice law in Idaho. She graduated magna cum laude from the University of Colorado at Denver in 1996, receiving her degree in History. Before law school, Alycia lived and studied in Russia and was a small business owner. She spent a year studying at St. Petersburg State University and built, operated, and managed a guest ranch in eastern Idaho. During law school she was the student government vice president, law clerk for the Ambassador for War Crimes Issues at the U.S. State Department, exchange student at Skope Law School in Macedonia, and a published student author in the Michigan State International Law Review.
When not helping immigrants navigate the labyrinth of U.S. immigration law, Alycia enjoys everything outdoors and spending time with her daughters. If she weren’t practicing immigration law, she would be a backpacking guide.
Canada – Barrister & Solicitor
U.S. District Court, District of Idaho
U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) – Washington and Idaho Regional Sections
Idaho State Bar Association
Idaho First District Bar Association
Washington State Bar Association
Kootenai County Chamber of Commerce
John P. Gray Bench Bar Forum
Idaho Volunteer Lawyer’s Program
Idaho State Bar Professional Conduct Board
Idaho State Bar Exam Grader
AILA Eastern Washington Committee, Chair
AILA Washington Congressional Liaison Committee
AILA Idaho, Member
AILA Idaho Congressional Liaison Committee, Co-Chair
AILA Idaho Conference Committee, Co-Chair
AILA Board of Governors
Annual Citizenship Days – Washington & Idaho, Volunteer
Share Our World, Board Member
Coeur d’Alene Regional Chamber Leadership Program, Class of 2020-2021
Idaho Academy for Leadership for Lawyers, Class of 2018-2019
Denise O’Donnell Day Pro Bono Award, 2017
University of Idaho College of Law – Spirit of the Class Award, 2005
Law School:
University of Idaho College of Law, J.D., 2005
NW Institute for Dispute Resolution, Criminal & Civil Mediation Programs, 2005
University of Colorado Denver, B.A. History magna cum laude, 1996
Speaker/Contributor: Gonzaga Law School Immigration Clinic
Speaker/Contributor: University of Idaho Immigration Clinic
Presenter: Intersection of Criminal Law and Imer Immigration, Kootenai County Public Defender’s Office, 2019
Speaker: Access to Justice Conference – Spokane, 2019
Presenter: Immigration and Human Resources, Idaho Department of Labor Human Resources Regarding I-9 Compliance – Sandpoint, ID 2018
Speaker: 2nd Annual AILA Idaho Chapter Annual Conference, 2018
CLE Instructor: Navigating Immigration Consequences and Complications, Spokane County Bar Association, 2019
Presenter: H-2B Training, Centro de Comunidad y Justicia – Boise, ID 2019
Presenter: How to Become a Citizen, Idaho League of Women Voters – Coeur d’Alene, ID, 2018
Presenter: I-9 Compliance, Human Resources Network of North Idaho (HRNNI), 2018
Speaker: Families Together Rally, Coeur d’Alene, ID 2018
CLE Instructor: Spokane County Bar Association, 2017
Speaker: First District Bar Association, 2017
Presenter: Idaho Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys Conference, 2017
Speaker: Immigration Dilemmas in Our Backyard, Progressive Dinners, 2017
Speaker: Kootenai County Democrat Club, 2017
Speaker: Boundary County Farmworkers Know Your Rights Event, 2017
CLE Instructor: Immigration Law, First District Bar Association, Coeur d’Alene, ID 2017
The Treasury Department has indicated it will suspend enforcement of the CTA concerning U.S. citizens and domestic reporting companies.
ReadThe court ordered preliminary injunction that halted enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) nationwide has been lifted again.
ReadEmployers may be facing additional oversight from the new administration, even for those who do not employ foreign workers.
ReadOver the last six months or so there has been a flurry of activity relative to implementing “SECURE 2.0” provisions.